Start with a simple idea, such as a fur coat, for instance.Fashion designers usually alter the previous creation , Inspiration is the key. Here's how to spur your creative side.
1.Get inspired. Search online, through magazines and past generations. Observe what others like to
wear colored copies for repetitive drawings.
2.Begin to draw. Draw a random curve or straight line and work from there. Be unconventional.
3.Take time. Come back to a drawing at a later time with new ideas. Sketching can become a
wonderful way to pass your time. Just relax and let your originality come forth.
4.Complete the outfit. Add color, fabric design, embellishments and accessories.
o Blend unexpected color combinations.
o Let fabric be an inspiration
o Elegantly embellish or be excessive.
o Accessorize from head to toe, including a hair style.
5.Gather sewing supplies that you might like to use.
o Look for a similar pattern and adjust it.
o Consider texture and flow of fabric in relation to your pattern.
o Obtain extra fabric as idea will arise with assembly.
o Obtain embellishments such as buttons, lace, beads or embroidery floss.
6.Assemble your design. Making your design creates further inspiration.
7.Create accessories. Add a different hairpiece, jewelry, purse, belt or shoes for each new design.
8.Make a portfolio. Keep a collection of designs in a folder or notebook for future inspiration.
Design for each season of the year.
Tips : You need to understand the basics before you begin but overall enjoy!! Always remember be
calm and patient.If you don't be calm and patient your work will look rushed